XQG50-11 Manual 10/29/02 1:51 PM Page 2
Wh a t Th e Wor ld Com es Hom e To
Front Load
Clothes Washer &
Dryer Combo
Lave-Linge Sechant a
Chargement Frontal
Lavadora y Secadora
de Carga Frontal
User Manual-
Model #
Guide de l’Utilisateur-
Manual del Usuario-
Modelo #
XQG50-11 Manual 10/29/02 1:51 PM Page 4
20. This appliance must be connected to proper electrical outlet with the correct
electrical supply.
21. Proper grounding must be ensured to reduce the risk of shock and fire. DO
three-prong electric receptacle outlet in the wall, have a certified electrician
install the proper receptacle. The wall receptacle MUST be properly grounded.
22. Hydrogen gas may be produced if the water heater has not been used in more
then 2 weeks. This could be explosive and can explode under certain
circumstances. If this is the case, before using this appliance turn on all the hot
faucets and let the hot water run for a few minutes. This will let the trapped
hydrogen escape. During this process do not turn on an electric appliance,
smoke, light a match/ lighter or use a flame to avoid an accident, as hydrogen
gas is flammable and can explode.
23. Do not dry articles that have been previously cleaned in, washed in, soaked in,
or spotted with gasoline, dry-cleaning solvents, or other flammable or explosive
substances, as they give off vapors that could ignite or explode.
24. Do not repair or replace any part of the appliance or attempt any servicing
unless specifically recommended in the user-repair instructions that you
understand and have skills to carry out.
25. Do not use heat dry to articles containing foam rubber or similarly textured
rubber-like materials.
26. Clean lint trap before and after each load.
27. Do not place items exposed to cooking oils in your dryer. Items contaminated
with cooking oils may contribute to a chemical reaction that could cause a load
to catch fire.
28. To reduce the risk or electric shock or fire, do not use extension cords or
adapters to connect the unit to electrical power source.
For Future Use
XQG50-11 Manual 10/29/02 1:51 PM Page 5
Risk o f ch ild e n tra p m e n t. Be fo re y o u th ro w a w a y y o u r o ld
a p p lia n ce , ta k e o ff th e d o o r so th a t ch ild re n m a y
n o t e a sily g e t tra p p e d in sid e .
Thank you for purchasing our Haier
product. This easy-to-use manual will
guide you in getting the best use of
Model number
your washer & dryer combo unit.
Serial number
Remember to record the model and
serial number. They are on a label in
back of the unit.
Date of purchase
Staple your receipt to your manual. Yo u w ill n e e d it to o b ta in
w a rra n ty se rvice .
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Table Of Contents
SAFETY IN STRUCTIO N S ....................................................................1
O PERATIN G IN STRUCTIO N S ............................................................4
Parts and Features..................................................................................5
Operations ............................................................................................7
Normal Operating Sounds....................................................................1 6
Ca re a n d Cle a n in g Gu id e ............................................................1 6
Cleaning and Maintenance ..................................................................1 6
Moving and Vacationing ......................................................................1 7
Storage of Your Washer ......................................................................1 7
Tro u b le sh o o tin g ..............................................................................1 8
IN STALLATIO N IN STRUCTIO N S ....................................................2 1
Tools and Materials Required................................................................2 1
Unpacking Your Washer ......................................................................2 2
Leveling Your Washer ..........................................................................2 3
Steps for Installation ............................................................................2 3
Ele ctrica l Co n n e ctio n s ....................................................................2 6
Grounding Instructions..........................................................................2 6
Power Interruptions ..............................................................................2 6
Wa rra n ty ........................................................................................2 7
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Pa rts a n d Fe a tu re s
1. Wash Cycle Selector Knob
2. Dry Cycle Select Knob
3. Power "On" Indicator Light
4. Power "On/ OFF" Button
5. No Spin Selector Button
6. Water Saver Button
7. Detergent/ Softener Dispenser
8. See Through Glass
Window Door
9. Front Adjustable Leveling Legs
(Not Shown)
10. Caster Release Levers
11. Button Trap
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1. Water Inlets (Hot/ Cold)
2. Power Cord (115 V / 60 Hz)
3. Drain Hose
4. Rear Adjustable Leveling Legs
5. "U" Clamp
6. Hose Retainer Clips
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"Fro n t Lo a d " Wa sh e r
This style of washing is gentle on your laundry because it has a tumble wash action.
Here there is no agitator to damage your clothes. Since there is no agitator in this
style of washer, the washer runs quietly. This style of washer saves you money as it
uses less water and detergent to clean your laundry.
Po w e r Bu tto n :
• Push the button in to have your washer "ON". The light will turn on
indicating that power is "ON". Push the button out to have your washer
"OFF". The light will go off indicating that power is "OFF".
Sp in Cy cle Se le cto r Bu tto n :
• If you want to extract more water from your clothes during the wash
cycle, leave the button in the out position. Clothes will be drier when this
option is selected.
• If you do not want to extract water from your clothes using the spin
cycle, push the button in. If this option is selected, only the excess water
in the tub will drain leaving the clothes wet. The "No Spin" button when
pushed in will not activate the spin cycle.
Ad va n ta g e s o f N o -Sp in Cy cle :
• The spin cycle may cause excessive creasing and wrinkling in some fabrics.
• High speed spin might be too strong for delicate garments. It could result in
stretching or excessive wear.
N o te : When the No Spin is pressed in, the machine will not automatically go to
the spin dry function.
Wa te r Sa ve r:
• To activate this option press in the "Water Saver" button. If you are washing a
small or a medium load you may want to use this option. This will reduce the
water in the rinse cycle.
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Wa sh Cy cle
Wash cycle
Turn the knob CLOCKWISE only to your desired setting when selecting the cycle.
Co tto n Cy cle
Sy n th e tics
G-Dry/ Off
Wo o l
8-Dry/ Off
Below is the cycle reference chart for your clothes.
Follow the steps below to select the proper cycle:
1. Select proper cycle.
2. Turn the knob clockwise. Make sure to line up the symbol indicator on the control
3. Push the power "ON" button.
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Co tto n Cy cle :
Pre -W a sh Cy cle : The purpose of this cycle is that if you want to pre-wash heavily
soiled clothes before the actual wash cycle begins. This cycle is configured in such a
manner that it will go through Intense
Delicate wash cycles time
mode and then the rinse and spin cycles automatically to complete the wash. The
total time for this cycle is approximately 147 minutes when selected.
In te n se W a sh Cy cle : This is used for work & play, household linens, heavily
soiled and cotton clothes. This cycle is approximately 120 minutes.
N o rm a l W a sh Cy cle : This is used for normal to lightly soiled items that needs to
be washed. This cycle is approximately 80 minutes.
De lica te W a sh Cy cle : This is also used for load of soiled items that needs to be
washed delicately. This cycle is approximately 60 minutes.
Sy n th e tics Cy cle :
In te n se W a sh Cy cle : This cycle is used for heavily soiled permanent press, silks,
woolens, nylon and acrylic fabrics. This cycle is approximately 59 minutes.
N o rm a l W a sh Cy cle : This is used for a small load of lightly soiled items that
needs to be washed. This cycle is approximately 42 minutes.
De lica te W a sh Cy cle : This cycle is used for loads of soiled items that need to be
washed delicately. This cycle is approximately 33 minutes.
• If you set the machine to automatically dry after the wash cycle, the machine will
wash and then dry without interruption. However if you press "No Spin" button
the machine will drain and shut-off after the wash cycle is complete. It w ill n o t
sp in o r a d va n ce to th e d ry cy cle .
• If you do not set the machine for automatic drying and do not depress the "No
Spin" button after the wash portion of the cycle is complete (at "Soak/ Pause"
indication on control panel) the machine will stop. Yo u m u st e ith e r:
A) Drain Only: Prevent spinning by pressing the On/ Off switch, advance the
“Cycle Selector Knob” to “Drain” and again press the "On/ Off" switch.
B) Drain and Spin: Press the On/ Off switch, advance the "Cycle Selector Knob"
to "Spin" and again press the "On/ Off" switch.
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Wo o l Cy cle :
De lica te W a sh Cy cle : This cycle is used for delicate fabrics that are often
washed by hand. This cycle is approximately 32 minutes.
• After the wash position of the cycle is complete (at "Soak" indication on control
panel) the machine will stop. Yo u m u st e ith e r:
A) Drain Only: Prevent spinning by pressing the On/ Off switch, advance the
"Cycle Selector Knob" to “Drain” and again press the "On/ Off" switch.
B) Drain and Spin: Press the On/ Off switch, advance the "Cycle Selector Knob"
to "Spin" and again press the "On/ Off" switch. Please note that if you press
the "Spin Cancel" button before starting the Wool cycle, the machine will
automatically drain and shut-off. Here you do not have to touch the control
panel. The machine will not automatically switch over to the dryer function.
N o te : If the Spin Cycle is at "OFF" position before starting a cycle, the machine
will automatically switch to drain and shut off. The machine will not
automatically switch over to the dryer function.
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Te m p e ra tu re
The water temperature is preset so when you select wash cycle it will set the proper
temperature for that wash load.
Please see the chart below to understand the proper temperature for each cycle:
Ty p e o f Cy cle
Ty p e o f Te m p e ra tu re
Co tto n Cy cle
Sy n th e tic Cy cle
Wo o l Cy cle
N o te : Hot water needs to be at a temperature of at least 120 degree F 140
Degree F (49 Degree C - 60 Degree C) for the soap to dissolve and to avoid
soap residue remaining on clothes. If your water temperature is not at above
described level when washing your clothes, you need to regulate your water
heater to maintain that temperature.
Lo a d in g th e W a sh e r:
• Load each item loosely.
• Separate the white and colored clothes. Separate heavy clothes from light clothes.
• Carefully check all pockets and cuffs for small items. They can easily slide in to the
tub and may damage the tub.
• Pre-treat all stains and heavily soiled areas for best results.
• Do not overload your washer.
• Close the door properly after loading the clothes.
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Pro p e r Use o f Disp e n se r:
The detergent/ softener dispenser is located on the upper left corner of the washer.
Open the dispenser by pulling it out. You will see that there are four compartments.
"1 " Co m p a rtm e n t: This is used for liquid detergent for pre-wash. This is used
when you want to pre-wash heavily soiled dirty clothes before going to actual wash
"2 " Co m p a rtm e n t: This is used for liquid detergent for actual wash cycle.
"A" Co m p a rtm e n t: This is used for liquid fabric softener.
"C" Co m p a rtm e n t: This is used for bleach.
("2" Compartment-
For liquid detergent)
("1" Compartment-
For pre-wash liquid detergent)
("A" Compartment-
For liquid fabric softener)
Pro p e r Use o f Fa b ric So fte n e r:
• Pour in liquid fabric softener into the compartment as recommended by the
• Do not exceed the level in the compartment to avoid overflow.
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Pro p e r Use o f De te rg e n t:
Low-Susding is recommended for front load style washers. This type of detergent
prevents damage to your washing machine; which may be caused by excess
amount of suds entering the condensing compartment.
N o te : You can use less or more detergent depending on the size of the load, water
type in your area whether it is soft or hard and whether the clothes are
heavily soiled or lightly soiled. Besides the performance of the washing
machine the quality of the detergent also affect the washing result.
Wa rn in g : • Never pour fabric softener directly onto clothes as it may stain your
clothes or you may get spots on your clothes.
• Do not use powder form of softener into dispenser it may clog up the
dispenser. This dispenser is only designed for liquid only.
Dry e r O p e ra tio n :
• Your dryer is "co n d e n sin g ty p e " which means it requires no venting. During
the drying process, the evaporating water from your clothes is condensed by the
machine and drained in the form of water out of the drain hose. The machine
uses small amount of fresh water that is automatically fed to the machine from the
inlet hose. You may hear that the machine is drawing water during the dry cycle.
• With this vent-less design, you can install the dryer under the counter to have a
built-in look or any other enclosed area.
N o te : The drying operation of this unit is different then other dryers you may have
used in the past. Large household and laundromat dryer operate on 220
volt which supply more elctricity and allows faster drying time. Your washer
& dryer combo unit operates on 115 volts; which supply less electricity,
resulting in longer drying time.
• You can select drying time from 2 settings. 120 mintutes for High Temp and up to
80 minutes for Low Temp. See below the recommended
temperature and time setting for different clothes:
Dry Tim e Se le ctio n
120 minutes
He a t Ty p e
Ty p e s o f clo th e s
For jeans and towel
80 minutes
For light garments such
as bed sheets, skirts,
socks etc.
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N o te : For full loads, you may want to remove
of the load and dry the
remaining clothes seperately. This will be an efficient way to dry your clothes
and will not take as long to dry. For less than full loads, you may want to
reduce drying time. This will prevent over drying of your clothes.
Ma n u a l O p e ra tio n o f th e Dry e r:
• To operate the dryer manually, simply load machine with wet clothes, turn the
"Dryer Selector Knob" to the desired time and push the power button "ON".
N o te : When operating the dryer, you must keep "Wash Cycle Selector" knob in
the "OFF" position.
Au to m a tic O p e ra tio n o f th e Dry e r:
• For the automatic operation, simply set the Dry Cycle Selector Knob to the desired
time at the beginning of the wash cycle. When the wash cycle is finished, the
dryer will turn on automatically.
N o te : The dryer will not turn on automatically if the "No Spin" button is pushed in.
You must keep the "No Spin" button in an out position in order to go from
wash function to dryer function automatically. The dryer will not come on
automatically after the wool cycle.
N o te : When washing full load, we recommend that you keep the spin cycle in the
"OFF" position to prevent the unit from going to dry mode automatically at
the end of cycle if the spin cycle was in "ON" position. This will give you the
flexibility to take out / 3 to / 2 of the load and dry the remainder. The
advantage is that your clothes will dry evenly and more quickly.
Lo a d in g th e Dry e r:
1. Sort clothes for drying. Seperate dark and light colored items, like you do for
washing. Check for stains that have not been removed in washing. Dryer heat
may permanently set some stains. Properly dried clothes will need minimum of
care when removed from dryer.
2. Load up dryer with washed clothes. For optimum result, use dryer load of similar
weight, fabric and construction. Place small items in a mesh bag to prevent from
tangling. Do not overload the dryer. Add fabric softener sheet if desired.
3. Select the drying time depending on the fabric type and load size.
4. Wait for the drying cycle to finish before opening the door.
N o te : Do not over dry your clothes. over drying can cause shrinkage,
harshness and wrinkling of fabric.
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Bu tto n Tra p
• Button Trap is designed to collect small objects such as button, coins, etc. As this
may happen very rarely, we recommend to check trap no more than twice a year.
• Button trap is located on the bottom front right corner behind the small door
cover. Push on the bottom to open the door cover. To remove the trap, turn the
knob to counter clockwise position. This will unlock the trap. To put it back, turn
the knob to clockwise position. This will lock the trap.
Ca ste rs
For your convenience, your machine comes with casters. Casters are located on the
bottom front right and left side of the machine. Pull the caster levers out towards you
to unlock the casters. When the machine is placed in the appropriate location push
caster levers back into position.
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N o rm a l O p e ra tin g So u n d s
Th e fo llo w in g so u n d s a re n o rm a lly h e a rd d u rin g th e
o p e ra tio n o f th e w a sh e r:
• Tumbling sounds: This is normal as the heavy wet clothes in the Washer are
continuously being tossed around.
• Air rushing noise: This happens when the Washer tub spins at very high RPM.
• Wash and Rinse cycles going on and off will also make clicking sounds.
Care and Cleaning Guide
Wa rn in g : Always unplug your appliance to avoid electric shock before cleaning.
Ignoring this warning may result in death or injury. Before using
cleaning products, always read and follow manufacturer’s instructions
and warnings to avoid personal injury or product damage.
Cle a n in g a n d Ma in te n a n ce
Use only damp or sudsy cloth for cleaning control panel.
• To avoid any kind of damage to cabinet finish, wipe appliance cabinet as
needed. If you spill liquid/ powdered softener, bleach or detergent on the cabinet,
wipe cabinet immediately because it can damage the finish.
• Do not use any abrasive, harsh chemicals, ammonia, chlorine bleach,
concentrated detergent, solvents or metal scouring pads. Some of these chemicals
may dissolve, damage and/ or discolor your appliance.
• Remove pins or other sharp objects from clothes to prevent scratching of the
interior parts.
• You should check the button trap at least twice a year. Do not use the washer
without the button trap in place.
• The Detergent Dispenser Compartment is removable. Over time, this compartment
may accumulate dried detergent, dirt and debris. You must remove it, then rinse in
a sink or remove debris with a soft brush.
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Mo vin g & Va ca tio n in g
• Turn off water supply faucets and disconnect hoses. Drain water from all hoses.
This will prevent from damaging due to water leakage if the hoses accidentally get
ruptured or they become loose.
• Disconnect electrical plug.
• Dry inner wash tub. If moving washer, disconnect drain hose.
• Turn the leveling legs clockwise all the way in.
• Reinstall both shipping bolts and metal brackets in the back to prevent internal
part from shaking when appliance is moving to another location.
• To prevent mold or mildew, leave door open so moisture inside machine
can evaporate.
Sto ra g e o f Yo u r Ap p lia n ce in Co ld En viro n m e n t
• This appliance must be stored at room temperature.
• If you just got delivery of this appliance when outside temperature is below
freezing, do not operate until this appliance has warmed to room temperature.
• Do not install or operate this appliance in the area where room temperature is
below freezing.
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Wa sh e r d o e s n o t o p e ra te :
• Check if unit is plugged in. The plug may have come loose.
• Check if the electrical wall receptacle is of proper voltage.
• Check if the circuit breaker needs to be reset or if the fuse needs to be replaced.
• Check if the unit is in “Off” mode.
• Check if the washer is overloaded: load may need to be re-balanced and clothes
may need to be redistributed.
• Check if the door is open. You may have to close the door properly.
• Check if the control knob is set properly. You may have to adjust the control knob.
• The washer pauses in some cycles. This is normal in cycle, which has short soak
period where your clothes are being soaked for very short period of time. You will
not hear washer operation for a short period of time. When the soak time is over,
it will start automatically.
Pro b le m s w ith w a te r:
• Not enough water coming out: Water faucet may need to be turned on fully.
Water hoses may be tangled up or wrinkled up. Straighten up hoses. Check water
saver selection, it may need to be readjusted.
• Water Temperature is incorrect: Check your water heater temperature. Hot water
needs to be at a temperature at least 120˚F -140˚F (49˚C – 60˚C). Check to
make sure the inlet hoses are properly connected. (e.g. hot to hot & cold to cold)
• Water leaks: This is due to not properly installing drain hose or fill hoses. Your
home drain may be clogged or having constant water pressure. You may need to
tighten hoses, check the plumbing or call a plumber.
• Water pumped out before the cycle is completed: It happens if you open the door
in the middle of cycle.
• Water will not drain: This is due to not installing your drain hose properly. You
may need to connect the drain hose properly. Check the position of the drain
hose. In order to drain properly, make sure that top of drain outlet is less than 4
ft. (1.2 m) above the floor.
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Wa sh e r is m a k in g n o ise :
• Washer may need to be reinstalled. (Check washer installation section)
• Washer load may need to be re-balanced, as the load may be uneven.
• Coins, loose change, buttons or other heavy objects could make noise
(read Operating Guide – Normal Operating Sounds).
• Squealing Sound: Due to overloaded wash tub.
• Vibration Noise: Due to not leveling washer properly on the floor and uneven
distribution of clothes in the tub.
Pro b le m s w ith clo th e s:
• Clothes are too wrinkled: this is due to improper sorting, overloading and
washing in too hot water repeatedly. Avoid overloading and resort your load. Do
not mix heavy clothes such as work clothes with light clothes such as blouses, light
shirts and delicate items. You may need to wash in warm or cold water.
• Have soap residue: detergent may not be dissolving in water. Check water
temperature or you need to add detergent as wash tub is being filled with water
before you load your clothes to avoid soap residue on clothes.
• Spots or stains on your clothes: this is due to incorrect use of fabric softener. You
may need to follow proper manufacturer instructions on the container and follow
proper directions for using the softener.
• Clothes are grayed or yellowed: this is due to not pouring enough detergent for
large loads. You may have to add more detergent to the load.
• Clothes are ripped & have holes/ excessive wear & tear: this is due to sharp
objects such as pins and belt buckles left in pockets. You will need to remove small
loose sharp objects. Fasten belts, zippers, metal snaps etc. Check if you are using
undiluted bleach. Never add undiluted bleach to wash.
Dry e r d o e s n o t o p e ra te :
• Check if unit is unplugged. The plug may have come loose.
• Check if the circuit breaker needs to be reset or if the fuse needs to be replaced
• Check if the unit is in "OFF" mode. Press the "ON" button again.
• Check if the door is open.
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Dry e r is w o rk in g b u t n o t d ry in g th e clo th e s:
• Unit may be over loaded. The dryer drum should only be half full.
• Dryer load needs to be resorted. Heavy clothes may need to be separated from
regular clothes.
• Bulky clothes may require repositioning.
• If clothes dry unevenly, a higher dry setting may be required or clothes in the
dryer may need to be resorted.
Dry e r m a k in g n o ise w h e n d ry in g :
• Coins, loose change, buttons and other heavy objects could make noise.
• Dryer may need to be leveled evenly. Read Operating Guide-Normal
Operating Sounds.
Sta tic:
• Caused by over drying. Adjust for shorter drying time.
• Mix with synthetic fabric. Sort and separate different fabrics.
• Use a fabric softener.
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To o ls a n d Ma te ria ls Re q u ire d
Yo u w ill n e e d to h a ve fo llo w in g to o ls to h e lp
y o u in th e in sta lla tio n o f y o u r W a sh e r:
• Scissors
• Phillips Screwdriver
• Standard Screwdriver
• Pliers
• Wrench
• Tape Measure
• Gloves
• Level
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Un p a ck in g Yo u r Ap p lia n ce
• Remove all packing materials including transportation bolts and brackets. Also
remove adhesive tape holding the accessories inside and outside.
• Inspect and remove any remains of packing, tape or printed materials before
using the washer.
• Remove 2 bolts, 4 screws and 1 center bolt holding metal bracket from the back
of the unit that are installed to protect drum and internal components from dam-
age during shipping. (W rench is included in the instruction manual bag)
• Screws and Bolts must be removed before using the machine. Once removed,
save them so when moving you can reinstall to protect the machine from damage
during shipping.
• Once you remove the bracket, reinstall bracket screws, for center bolt and 2 side
bolts. Use supplied plastic plugs to prevent damage to the machine.
Center bolt
(use plastic plug) (not shown)
(use plastic plugs)
(use plastic plugs)
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Le ve lin g Yo u r Ap p lia n ce
• Your washer has 4 leveling legs; which are located on the four bottom corners.
After properly placing your washer in its final position, you can level your washer.
• Leveling legs can be adjusted by turning them
counterclockwise to raise your washer or turning
them counter clockwise to lower your washer.
Ste p s fo r In sta lla tio n
Select a suitable location for this appliance on a hard even surface away from
direct sunlight or heat source e.g. radiators, baseboard heaters, cooking appliances
etc. Any floor unevenness should be corrected with the leveling legs located
underneath, on the bottom corners. This appliance must be placed at room
temperature. You must not place this appliance where the temperature is at below
In sta llin g Yo u r W a sh e r:
Read install instructions carefully before installation.
Ca u tio n : If, after completing these steps, you are unsure that unit is properly
installed, contact a qualified installer. To ensure that your appliance is
properly installed it is recommended that it be installed by a certified
1. Insert a new flat washer into each end of the inlet hoses. Firmly put the washers
in the coupling.
N o te : You may have to use pliers to tighten the coupling. Do not over tighten
because you may cause damage to the valve.
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2. Connect the hot and cold water inlet hoses to the hot and cold water faucets
3. Connect the other end to their respective washer inlet located at the rear.
N o te : Hot water needs to be at a temperature of at least 120˚F – 140˚F.
(49˚C- 60˚C) for the soap to dissolve and to avoid soap residue
remaining on clothes.
4. Install the drain hose into a drain pipe. The drain hose must be placed into a
drainpipe at least 1 / 2 inches in diameter or directly into a sink. Use the “goose
neck” to hold hose in place. To avoid possible water back up, the drain hose
must reach height of at least 31 / 2 inches minimum and 40 inches maximum. If
the sink is less than 37 / 2 inches in height, route drain
hose through the clip on the back of the machine.
Drain Hose
Water Supply Hose
Goose Neck
Water Inlet
Hose Bend
Drain Hose
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(Route Drain Hose through Clip)
N o te : Inspect carefully for any leaks around and back of the machine. If leak
occurs, double check to see if any connections are loose. You may need to
tighten any loose connections.
5. Plug in the Washer to a regular 115 volt / 60 Hz, 15 amp outlet.
Un it Dim e n sio n s
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Electrical Connections
Gro u n d in g In stru ctio n s
This appliance must be grounded. In the event of an electrical short circuit,
grounding reduces the risk of electric shock by providing an escape wire for
the electric current. This appliance is equipped with a cord having a grounding
wire with a grounded plug. The plug must be inserted into an outlet that is
properly installed and grounded.
• Improper use of the plug can result in a risk of electric shock.
• Consult a qualified electrician or service person if the grounding
instructions are not completely understood or if doubt exists as to
whether the appliance is properly grounded.
W irin g Re q u ire m e n ts:
• This appliance must be plugged into at least 15 AMP 115-120 VOLT,
N o te : Where a standard two-prong
outlet is encountered,
it is the personal responsibility
and obligation of the
consumer to have it replaced
with a properly grounded
three-prong outlet.
Ex te n sio n Co rd s:
We do not recommend that you use an extension cord.
Po w e r In te r ru p tio n s
Occasionally there may be power interruptions due to thunderstorms or other
causes. Remove the power cord from AC outlet when a power outage occurs. When
power has been restored re-plug power cord to AC outlet. If outage is for a
prolonged period, clean washer before using it again.
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XQG50-11 Manual 10/29/02 1:52 PM Page 29
Limited Warranty
In Ho m e Se rvice
Th is w a rra n ty co ve rs a p p lia n ce s
w ith in th e co n tin e n ta l Un ite d Sta te s,
Pu e rto Rico a n d Ca n a d a . W h a t is
n o t co ve re d b y th is w a rra n ty :
Fu ll O N E Ye a r W a rra n ty
For 12 months from the date of original retail
purchase, Haier will repair or replace any
part free of charge including labor that fails
due to a defect in materials or workmanship.
Replacement or repair of household fuses,
circuit breakers, wiring or plumbing.
A product whose original serial number has
been removed or altered.
Any service charges not specifically
identified as normal such as normal
service area or hours.
Damage to clothing.
Damage incurred in shipping.
Damage caused by improper installation
or maintenance.
Damage from misuse, abuse accident, fire,
flood, or acts of nature.
Damage from service other than an
authorized Haier dealer or service center.
Damage from incorrect electrical current,
voltage or supply.
Damage resulting from any product
modification, alteration or adjustment
not authorized by Haier.
Adjustment of consumer operated controls as
identified in the owners manual.
Hoses, knobs, lint trays and all attachments,
accessories and disposable parts.
Labor, service transportation, and shipping
charges for the removal and replacement
of defective parts beyond the initial
12-month period.
Lim ite d W a rra n ty
After one year from the original retail
purchase date, Haier will provide a part at
no cost, as indicated below, to replace said
part as a result of a defect in materials or
workmanship. Haier is solely responsible for
the cost of the part. All other costs such as
labor, trip charge, etc are the responsibility
of the owner.
Th ird th ro u g h Fifth Ye a r
Haier will provide the cabinet assembly
should the cabinet rust through
Th ird th ro u g h Te n th Ye a r
Haier will provide the inner stainless steel
wash tub.
N O TE: This warranty commences on the
date the item was purchased and the original
purchase receipt must be presented to the
authorized service representative before
warranty repairs are rendered.
Ex ce p tio n s: Co m m e rcia l o r Re n ta l
Use W a rra n ty
90 days labor from date of original purchase
90 days parts from date of original purchase
No other warranty applies
Damage from other than normal
household use.
Any transportation and shipping charges.
Fo r W a rra n ty Se rvice
Contact your nearest authorized service
center. All service must be performed by a
Haier authorized service center. For the name
and telephone number of the nearest autho-
rized service center please call 1-877-337-
The remedy provided in this warranty is
exclusive and is granted in lieu of all
other remedies.
Be fo re ca llin g p le a se h a ve a va ila b le
th e fo llo w in g in fo rm a tio n :
This warranty does not cover incidental or
consequential damages, so the above
limitations may not apply to you. Some states
do not allow limitations on how long an
implied warranty lasts, so the above
limitations may not apply to you.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights,
and you may have other rights, which vary,
from state to state.
Model number and serial number of your
appliance.The name and address of the
dealer you purchased the unit from and the
date of purchase. A clear description of the
problem. A proof of purchase (sales receipt).
Haier America
New York, NY 10018
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XQG50-11 Manual 10/29/02 1:51 PM Page 1
Do N o t Re tu rn Th is Pro d u ct To Th e Sto re
If y o u h a ve a p ro b le m w ith th is p ro d u ct, p le a se co n ta ct th e "Ha ie r Cu sto m e r
Sa tisfa ctio n Ce n te r" a t 1 -8 7 7 -3 3 7 -3 6 3 9 .
N e p a s Ré e x p é d ie r ce Pro d u it a u Ma g a sin
Po u r to u t p ro b lè m e co n ce rn a n t ce p ro d u it, ve u ille z co n ta cte r le se rvice d e s
co n so m m a te u rs ‘Ha ie r Cu sto m e r Sa tisfa ctio n Ce n te r’ a u 1 -8 7 7 -3 3 7 -3 6 3 9 .
N o re g re se e ste p ro d u cto a la tie n d a
Si tie n e a lg ú n p ro b le m a co n e ste p ro d u cto , p o r fa vo r co n ta cte e l "Ce n tro d e Se rvicio a l
Co n su m id o r d e Ha ie r" a l 1 -8 7 7 -3 3 7 -3 6 3 9 (Vá lid o so lo e n E.U.A).
2 4 0 V, 6 0 Hz
Ma d e in Ch in a
Fa b riq u é e n Ch in e
He ch o e n Ch in a
Ha ie r Am e rica
N e w Yo rk , N Y 1 0 0 1 8
Prin te d in Ch in a
Issued: September 02
Part #
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