IBM SureMark printers shrink costs, provide ultimate operational
efficiency and set the standard for “green” retailing
IBM SureMark Printer
Single-station model 1NR (1NA, 1ND)
The world’s premier retail printer
Retailers realize now is the time to drive
transformation and make their opera-
tions smarter and more competitive.
Those who invest in technology that
can shrink costs while providing opera-
tional efficiencies and integrating
“green” principles into their business will
be positioned for the future.
For these retailers, IBM introduces new
models of the IBM SureMark™ single-
station printer. Built for ultimate retail-
hardened performance in demanding
environments, the IBM SureMark printer
delivers unmatched speed and reliability
and is easy to manage and service;
plus it offers earth-friendly design and
packaging that set new world
IBM SureMark single-station printers 1NR in pearl and iron gray
Fastest IBM receipt printer
ever—80 LPS—27% faster than
top competitor
Eco-friendly packaging and
receipt media
Resists spillage—channels
liquids away from critical
Easy to manage with IBM exclu-
sive Remote Management
IBM SureMark printers
boost operational
efficiency and cut costs
Flexible mounting options
include wall mounting with
upside down printing
Accurate, programmable sensor
system monitors printer
Simplifies ordering and inven-
tory management with stream-
lined model structure
Reduces paper changes by
46% with support for four-inch
(102 mm) rolls
A new world standard for retail receipt printers
Fast printing wins customers and improves Management Agent (RMA) and
and training expenses. Retailers can
save up to five minutes per media roll
change by using the paper low prompt
to initiate roll changes. When linked
with Remote Management Agent
software, store managers can be auto-
matically paged when a printer paper
low sensor is tripped, ensuring that the
manager will bring a new receipt roll to
the cashier without interrupting
IBM Director software, provided at no
additional cost, keep your business
running smoothly by providing critical
maintenance and environmental
information. Business IT costs are
reduced by managing your POS,
peripherals and application locally or
from a remote site.
New IBM SureMark printers are specifi-
cally designed to meet the rigors of
retail environments and feature the
most advanced printer technologies
today to speed transactions. With a
record 80 lines per second (LPS)1 for
single-byte (SBCS) or double-byte
(DBCS), these faster printers process
transactions 27% quicker than the top
competitor to improve customer satis-
faction and employee productivity.
IBM innovations, such as standard
3 MB2 flash memory, help retailers print
“value added” messages on receipts
while keeping checkout lanes moving.
Unique features mean fewer service calls
and less downtime
IBM SureMark printers are designed
with a built-in sensor system that con-
tinuously monitors the printer’s “health.”
A paper motion sensor detects jams
and reduces waste of receipt media.
Print head and cutter sensors minimize
downtime by identifying parts that are
about to fail so they can be replaced
proactively. Additionally, easy drop-in
paper loading and a large four-inch
(102 mm) receipt roll reduce downtime
Cost cutting design and performance
deliver quick ROI
Operating costs are significantly
reduced due to the easy-to-service
design of IBM SureMark printers. Key
printer components like thermal print
head and cards can be replaced by
trained personnel instead of costly serv-
ice technicians. Covers are easily
removed and replaced, helping to
reduce costs through better inventory
management and accommodating POS
Remote management reduces TCO
IBM SureMark single-station printers
lower operating costs and total cost of
ownership with easy-to-manage fea-
tures including IBM Retail Systems
Management tools. Remote
A new world standard for retail receipt printers
less environmental impact, fewer
roll changes and less printer and
employee downtime. In fact, using an
IBM SureMark printer with polymer
receipts on a larger roll reduces envi-
ronmental waste and total cost of own-
ership significantly more than printers
with two sided receipt media (2ST).
Minimum impact at end of life reduces
costs and waste
Newly designed packaging includes high-density polyethylene (HDPE) inserts made from recycled post-
consumer waste, saving space for energy and cost-efficient shipping and disposal. Box and inserts are
100% recyclable
IBM SureMark printer packaging is
100% recyclable, including box and
inserts. The high-density polyethylene
(HDPE) inserts are made from recycled
post-consumer waste and can be
stacked in very little space, reducing
transportation and packaging disposal
costs. Printer plastics and metal parts
are also recyclable, minimizing the envi-
ronmental impact of disposal when the
product reaches end of life. For environ-
mentally conscious recycling and dis-
posal options, IBM Asset Recovery
Solutions3 offers a fully compliant,
enterprise-wide asset disposal
and peripherals color changes. Snap-in
interface adapters, USB, RS-232 and
RS-485 make migration to new system
platforms easier and cost effective.
Usage statistics are not only available
locally but can be acted upon remotely
by RMA and can be used to extend
printer life with proactive servicing and
wear leveling to minimize downtime.
Fewer service trips translate into sav-
ings in travel and valuable employee
time and less impact on the
Supremely Green! Saving the environment
and your bottom line!
IBM sets new world standards in eco-
friendly POS technology with new
SureMark single-station printers.
Extending the IBM commitment to envi-
ronmental stewardship, IBM SureMark
printers are the first designed to use
polymer film, an emerging advanced
receipt media that is fully recyclable.
The new receipt material has multiple
layers of polymer film for strength and
opacity but is much thinner than
standard paper media. Each roll is
19% longer than a paper roll, meaning
A new world standard for retail receipt printers
Retail-hardened for lasting performance in
harsh environments
compatibility with leading industry and
array of low cost financing and leasing
options. With products developed by
IBM engineers with over 100 years
combined experience in the POS print-
ing field, and service provided by
legacy systems and helps protect tech-
nology investments. Designed with
open platform technology, the
IBM SureMark printer enables use of a
single POS printing platform across the
Constructed from the highest quality
materials available, IBM SureMark
printers are retail-hardened and spill-
resistant to deliver high reliability in the
harshest retail or food service environ-
ments. A marketing life of up to five
years and a service life of seven years
or more mean your investment is pro-
tected and life cycle costs are opti-
mized, reducing TCO.
IBM and our highly skilled IBM Business
Partners, it’s no wonder the world’s top
retailers use IBM POS printer solutions.
Low cost financing from IBM, the industry
leader in POS solutions
For more information
To learn more about IBM SureMark
single-station printers and other retail
store solutions from IBM, please con-
tact your local IBM representative or
Now more than ever, retailers depend
on IBM for POS solutions that boost
operational efficiency, shrink costs and
provide quick ROI. IBM is committed to
meeting the challenges of this demand-
ing retail environment by offering an
Use a single printing platform worldwide
across your enterprise
A single IBM SureMark printer model
can support the unique needs of retail-
ers in many countries. An extended
code page supports global use and
To place an order, call 1-800-IBM-CALL
(1-800-426-2255) or 1-770-863-1000
in countries other than the U.S. and
Character Set
Cover Color
Warranty Service4
Check Handling
US only
Pearl White or Iron Gray
Pearl White or Iron Gray
Pearl White or Iron Gray
IBM on-site repair
IBM advance exchange
IBM Depot service
UK only
A new world standard for retail receipt printers
IBM SureMark Printer at a glance
Receipt station (one-color paper)
Receipt station (two-color paper)
Printing resolution (thermal)
Data buffer RAM
80 lps @ 8 lpi, 60 lps @ 6 lpi
35 lps @ 8 lpi, 26 lps @ 6 lpi
203 dpi
5 MB
Flash memory for microcode
Flash memory for offline journal
Flash memory for logos
Flash memory for fixed messages
Flash memory for code pages
Flash memory for user characters
Up to 3 MB
Up to 3 MB
Up to 3 MB
Up to 3 MB
64 KB
RS232 – 115 kbps (external power brick or special power cable
RS485 – 187 kbps (24 or 38 Volt)
USB 2.0 – 12 Mbps (Full Speed – Bulk and HID) Powered USB plus
Standard USB
DC In (except RS485)
USB/Powered USB or RS232 or RS485 (24 or 38 V) (Interface card
OEM Cash Drawer (+24 V)
CRU (customer replaceable units) with Light-Path management
Paper low, paper out, cutter health, print head health, usage counters,
paper motion jam detection
Mounting options
Integrated (Integration tray), Distributed (free standing), Wall mount
Support for wide range of receipt media—thickness/type of media
1.6 - 3.7 mil (thousandths of an inch) paper thickness. Factory feature
selection of 2.28 in (58 mm) or 3.15 in (80 mm) paper width
Media type supported/roll diameter
Receipt paper rolls – maximum 4 in (102 mm) diameter. External roll
(mounted under counter) maximum roll diameter – 12 in (305 mm)
Energy consumption efficiency*
“Green” attributes
Shipping container and inserts are made of recycled materials and are
stackable and recyclable
A new world standard for retail receipt printers
IBM SureMark Printer at a glance
Dimensions (WxDxH)
Width: 5.7 in (145 mm)
Depth: 7.0 in (177 mm)
Height cover closed: 6.3 in (159 mm)
Height cover opened: 10.2 in (260 mm)
Model 1NR: 3.5 lb (1.4 Kg)
Command Sets
Operating system support
Native, Epson ESC POS™ Emulation , Compatibility Mode
4690 OS V6R1
Microsoft® Windows Vista® SP1, XP SP3, WEPOS Update 1.1,
POSReady 2009, 2003 Server
Drivers supported
UPOS 1.12
4610 Native Windows 2.5
4690 OS V6 R1
IBM application support – ACE, SA, GSA, CSA
Resident barcode formats
IBM applications are tested in compatibility mode only
UPC A/E, JAN 8(EAN), Code 39, ITF, Code 93, Code 128 a, b, and c,
Codabar, PDF417
Integration kits
SurePOS 700 and 500 Series
150 km – thermal print head life. 1.5 million cuts – cutter life
Models 1NR and 1NA (US only)
Model 1NR
North America
Latin America
Europe, Middle East, Africa
Asia Pacific
Models 1NR and 1ND (UK only)
Model 1NR
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2009
IBM Retail Store Solutions
P.O. Box 12195, 3039 Cornwallis Road
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Produced in the United States of America
March 2009
All Rights Reserved
IBM, the IBM logo, and SureMark are
trademarks or registered trademarks of
International Business Machines Corporation in
the United States, other countries, or both. If
these and other IBM trademarked terms are
marked on their first occurrence in this
information with a trademark symbol (® or ™),
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trademarks may also be registered or common
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of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at
“Copyright and trademark information” at
Systems with limited on-site service are
designed to be repaired during the applicable
warranty period primarily with IBM supplied
replacement parts, installed by trained
IBM assumes no responsibility or liability
for any use of the information contained herein.
Nothing in this document shall operate as an
express or implied license or indemnity under
the intellectual property rights of IBM or third
IBM service technicians at the customer’s
location. IBM will only send a technician on-site
to perform a repair if (a) the remote telephone
diagnosis and/or customer part replacement
is/are unable to resolve the problem, or (b) the
part is one of the few designated by IBM for
customer replacement. For a list of customer
replaceable parts, contact IBM. Support
unrelated to a warranty issue may be subject to
additional charges.
Microsoft and Windows Vista are trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation in the United States,
other countries, or both.
Other product, company or service names may
be trademarks or service marks of others.
References in this publication to IBM products
or services do not imply that IBM intends to
make them available in all countries in which
IBM operates. Copying or downloading the
images contained in this document is expressly
prohibited without the written consent of IBM.
Any proposed use of claims in these materials
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by local IBM country counsel prior to such use.
All statements regarding IBM’s future direction
and intent are subject to change or withdrawal
without notice, and represent goals and
objectives only.
IBM assumes no responsibility or liability
for any use of the information contained herein.
Nothing in this document shall operate as an
express or implied license or indemnity under
the intellectual property rights of IBM or third
parties. No warranties of any kind including but
not limited to warranties of merchantability or
fitness for a particular purpose are offered in this
document. For more details on limited warranty
terms and conditions or extended warranty,
please contact your IBM representative.
IBM now offers branded paper supplies. For
more information, please contact your IBM sales
Epson emulation mode supports direct
communication with the printer using the
Epson ESC POS™ command set for printers
connected via RS-232 interface. Epson
emulation is not supported in driver
Other product, company or service names may
be trademarks or service marks of others.
References in this publication to IBM products
or services do not imply that IBM intends to
make them available in all countries in which
IBM operates. Copying or downloading the
images contained in this document is expressly
prohibited without the written consent of
IBM. Any proposed use of claims in these
materials outside of the United States must be
reviewed by local IBM country counsel prior to
such use. The information could include
Please visit the IBM support Web site at
compatibility data for operating systems,
interfaces and IBM hardware.
The IBM home page on the Internet can be
found at
Indicates rated speed. Actual print speed
depends on user-specific configuration of
interface, application, operating system and
Some printer functions may not be supported
by all combinations of operating systems and
drivers. Model 1NR has a “compatibility” mode
that enables some, not all, features of the
product reusing existing drivers in each
operating system environment. See User Guide
for more detail.
MB equals one million bytes when referring to
storage capacity; accessibility may be less.
technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.
IBM may make improvements and/or changes
in the product(s) or the program(s) described in
this publication at any time without notice.
To learn more about IBM Asset Recovery
Solutions, please visit:
* The energy consumption efficiency is the value
of the power consumption measured in
accordance with the measuring method
specified by the Japan energy saving law
divided by the Composite Theoretical
All limited warranty terms are for one year. For a
copy of the terms and conditions of IBM’s
statement of limited warranty, contact your
IBM representative or reseller.
All statements regarding IBM’s future direction
and intent are subject to change or withdrawal
without notice, and represent goals and
objectives only.
Performance specified by the energy saving law.
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